The Power and Simplicity of Water
Year after year and throughout the year, thousands of people from far and near, travel to Niagara Falls, Ontario, to take in the beauty of watching the water flowing over the rocks.
Lake Front and beach front properties attract a lineup of people, willing to spend millions.
They admire and enjoy the flow of water, enhanced with the relaxation and prestige that living close offers.
When astronauts went on their space discovery, Water was their number one first indicator of life.
In a mother’s womb, without water there is no life.
Plants wither and die without water.
Water removes waste from our bodies, transports nutrients and oxygen to our cells.
The rhythms of water are recorded to promote relaxation and healing of the mind and spirit.
Water is used for washing and cleansing the body of energy patterns picked up throughout your day.
Water can be used to rejuvenate our bodies and promote mental calm.
The energy in water is accessed to power electricity.
Water holds memory and intelligence, as demonstrated in the research by Dr. Masaru Emoto and the research of Stephen Pollitt.
Water is transparent, odorless, tasteless and pure. It is the world’s prized commodity and the primary makeup of all life complex and simple.
Without water, life would not exist.
“Without water, there is no dignity and no escape from poverty,”
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on his message for World Water Day 2011
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